Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Epic Journey

I often have far reaching goals and amazing dreams that I one day would like to accomplish. In my new being of playing BIG I noticed that I often fail to accomplish some goal not because I didn’t think big but because I failed to fully accept the responsibility of the small steps.

I often find myself daydreaming about hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. I think as part of my dream, “If I started at the US/Mexico border I could hike all the way to Canada. That would be an epic journey, but the reality is that one of the main reasons I want to do this is to loose weight. Instead of taking the daily steps of walking for 30 to 45 minutes, strength training and eating healthy amounts of healthy food I want to hike 2,650 miles of rugged terrain. I think Epic.

So how do I put epic into my daily life? How do I create a journey to my goals that is practical, includes the daily persistence needed to accomplish such goals and still create a feeling of an epic journey? Something I need to make me happy.

Lets look at what is appealing about an epic journey. Someone or something has set a task for you, even if that someone is yourself. Often others have done this before and you can follow in their footsteps; you have a role model that has accomplished something similar before. You have a companion or more with you, someone to share the misery and triumphs with. You have a map of where you will go and you reach for smaller destinations and have mini-successes.  There is usually an amazing prize or accomplishment at the end.

I know how to accomplish my goals, when there is an outside force working with me, and a feeling of a long arduous journey with others.  I have attempted and accomplished with flying colors many goals I set for myself. I have my M. Ed in instruction and curriculum and I did that as a working single parent of teens. I think using these epic journey elements will help me accomplish my other more personal goals too.


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